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Trip to America

A intellectual boy asked me in mumbra can you come with me in America? he had proper Visa Passport he has going to america for for some education purpose with free ticket,free visa. He just asked and i accept his purposal within a second and accompanying him to America trip. I have no visa and passport stuff but accepted that purposal, in indian Airport no one checked my passport and other things, i am traveling to airplane and reached in America's big city where i thinked that this city i had already seen in movies where america was portrait like this, big towers speeding cars etc, in that city i saw one theatres where super heroes posters are sticked as well as written as here indian movie also played. Next day we visited a smaller town where i saw one river with mountain with beautiful sunrise arises from mountain just same as my native village have, i was telling to my partner that same mountain and river is also in my village.after few minutes later some other colleagues of him joins us and one senior guy in that said let's drink tea and we all followed that senior guy in Street of small town of America, the street that saw there is also i seen in my native place. 
why i saw that places which was i already seen in my country why i not saw much new in America, and is possible to go to another country without without Passport and visas, this is possible because this is my 5 miutes dream and nothing else everything happens in dream.


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